San Jose SK Chairman Doc Monte Tolentino helped conduct a clean-up drive to clear the waterways of Sitio Ondoy, Barangay San Jose. The activity was completed in partnership with PCUP-RPG Ville Homeowners Association.

“There is no better way to spend the day than to help our planet. In partnership with PCUP-RPG Ville Homeowners Association, nagsagawa po tayo ng isang community clean up drive sa mga waterways sa Sitio Ondoy, Barangay San Jose, Antipolo City,” said Doc Monte in his Facebook Account.

“Target po ng aktibidad na hindi lamang linisin ang mga basurang nakakalat sa mga daluyan ng tubig, kundi hikayatin din ang ating mga kabarangay na simulang mag-reduce, re-use, at recycle ng mga basura.”

Doc Monte expressed his gratitude to officers of the Homeowners Association in the area for their invaluable assistance during the activity.

“Maraming salamat po sa mga HOA officers at volunteers sa pakikiisa sa makabuluhang programang ito. Halika na, let’s create a sustainable and green future. Magbayanihan Tayo,” said Doc Monte.

The primary objective of a HOA is to raise the overall property values of the neighborhood’s real estate. To that end, the HOA establishes and enforces standards for the appearance of neighborhood properties and limits on what residents may and cannot do.

The associations help keep a neighborhood well maintained with clean streets, tidy open spaces and clean waterways. These well-maintained neighborhood are made possible because Homeowners Associations.

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