Araneta City opened an exhibit of religious relics in Ali Mall to remind the public of the passion and sacrifice of Christ this Lenten season.

Titled “Cuaresma”, the exhibit showcases more than 40 religious images and replicas that depict Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and death. Items in the display range from 3 to 5 feet tall, and were sourced from different parishes around Metro Manila and Rizal.

Notable images are the famous replica of the Nazareno from Manila, and La Esperanza Macarena, to name a few.

 “We are hosting this timely display to bring the story of Jesus Christ’s passion closer to the Araneta City community. May this exhibit help remind people of the true essence of the Lenten season,” Aileen Ibay, Property Manager of Ali Mall, said.

The exhibit is available for free public viewing until March 17 at the Gen. MacArthur Entrance of Ali Mall.