Most public servants help people who ask them for help. But San Jose SK Chairman Doc Monte Tolentino is cut from a different cloth. He actually goes out of his way, to look for people who need help and assists those who are most in need.

This was again the case when Doc Monte sought out two Barangay San Jose residents who met accidents and who needed help.

“Nabalitaan po namin kamakailan na dalawang kabarangay natin ang naaksidente. Mabuti na lamang po ay hindi sila napuruhan at nagpapagaling na sila ngayon. Pasenya na po Mang Ramil at Mang Ben dahil gabi na kami nakabisita sa ospital,” said Doc Monte in his Facebook page.

“Hindi po kami agad nakadalaw dahil sa dami po ng ginagawa namin sa barangay. Gayunpaman, pinilit po naming makapunta maski dis-oras ng gabi upang makapag-abot ng tulong at makamusta kayo.”

Doc Monte learned of the plight of the Barangay San Jose residents who met with accidents and quickly sought them out to find out how he could help in whatever way possible. He was relieved to find out that the two did not suffer grievious injuries.

“Napawi po ang pangamba namin nang malamang hindi gaanong malala ang natamong injury nina Mang Ramil gayundin ang maybahay ni Mang Ben. Kasama po ang pamilya ninyo sa aming mga panalangin at ipinagdarasal po namin ang inyong mabilis na paggaling,” said Doc Monte.

Public servants, without hesitation, help people who ask for help. But Doc Monte Tolentino goes the extra mile and actually goes out of his way to look for people who require assistance and helps those who are in need.

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